Foto: Maryam Barari


Female values change the world. Epifónima is inspired by women's struggles throughout history and celebrates values traditionally seen as feminine. Premiere: 2018.

  • Epifónima, which means "exclamation" in Greek, is a performance inspired by women's voices, aspirations and ways of creating and organizing. A piece of stage art that, by being inspired by historical women's fighters and prominent feminists, wants to lift and celebrate the courage and values ​​that have been required to create change. In humble admiration for the long chain of women who paved the way for us to be where we are today, with the opportunity to look ahead.

    In Epifónima, the ensemble works cross-border and co-creates with the creative team. The performance is a work of art created by everyone involved. The ensemble consisted of seven female circus artists from Greece, Canada, Palestine, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland.

    Tilde Björfors directed, and the music was composed by Rebekka Karijord, who previously composed the music for Cirkus Cirkör's performance Wear It Like a Crown. The music is mainly composed from rhythms and female voices that Rebekka has collected from all corners of the world and mixed with the ensemble's voices.

  • No change without a fight

    In Tilde Björfor's work with risks/opportunities, border crossing and migration, it has been shown how often women carry the long-term burden.

    From that grew the desire to create a show inspired by how women have managed to run and build society-supporting functions that are not patriarchal.

… the gentle and enveloping feeling that encompasses all of us is difficult to resist and is anything but a separatist experience in this circular circus creation with a big beating heart.


.. a pulsating communal rhythm is found, and all in all there are many beautiful moments, enveloped by Rebekka Karijord's music, which makes one’s heart swell.


It's creative, beautiful, often unexpected. The acts seamlessly slide into each other.A collective masterpiece of art


Ensemble & Crew

  • Creative team

    Jonna Bergelin: Costume Designer
    Tilde Björfors: Director
    Marta Forsberg: Sound Designer
    Susanna Hedin: Lighting Designer, Lumination of Sweden
    Rebekka Karijord: Composer
    Anna Lagerkvist: Pole- and Clown Coaching
    Kajsa Lindgren: Sound Designer
    Linda Sandberg: Make-up Designer
    Fanny Senocq: Set Design & Props
    Nandi Vileika: Vocal Coach
    Methinee Wongtrakoon: Choreographer


    In Epifónima, the ensemble works across boundaries as co-creators with the creative team behind the production. The performance is an all-embracing artwork created by everyone involved.

    Marianne Ahnlund: Technician, rigging
    Lisa Angberg: Artist
    Eirini Apostolatou: Artist
    Joakim Björklund: Sound technician & stage manager
    Kajsa Bohlin: Artist & text
    Liv Karlsson: Technician & props
    Sarah Lett: Artist
    Vilhelm Montán Lindberg: Lights Technician
    Ashtar Muallem: Artist
    Lucie N’Duhirahe: Artist
    Jessica Thorzén: Driver
    Karolina Wojtowicz: Artist & Text

  • Music

    Music and lyrics: Rebekka Karijord

    Production and mix: Johannes Berglund, Rebekka Karijord, Elias Krantz, Jacob Snavely
    Musicians: Christopher Cantillo, Martin Hederos, Maria Holmström, Rebekka Karijord, Amalie Karijord Stokke, Nina Kinert, Elias Krantz, Erik Nilsson, Linnea Olsson,Anders Scherp, Shida Shahabi, Jacob Snavely Mariam Wallentin och Joe Williamson.

    In Epifonima, parts of the songs  ”Oh night يا ليل ما اطولك” written by Zahira Sabag and the Polish lullaby ”Z popielnika na Wojtusia” are sung.


    Tom Brand: Props/workshop
    Fredrik (Fefe) Deijfen: Techical coordinator
    Lotta och Sven Dolling: Graphic design
    Saara Ahola: Props/workshop
    Maryam Barari: Press photo
    Olivia Bergdahl: Poet
    Isabelle Bergström: Production assistans, Erasmus + intern
    Ellen Fallgren: Props/workshop
    Klara G: Poster photo
    Anton Graaf: Props/workshop
    Linn Holm: Understudy artist
    Joel Jedström: Co-creator set design
    Kekuhi Kealiikanakaole: Singer
    Anna Ljungqvist: Casting workshops
    Elsa Mellin: Tailor
    Jesper Nikolajeff: Circus rigging
    Alba Poveda Salvador: Costume design assistant, Erasmus +intern
    Cilla Roos: Choreographic mentor
    Nina Wande: Production Assistant
    Ariellah Winther: Circus rigging
    Britta Wålstedt: Circus rigging
    Irene Ramilli: Directing assistant & Tour manager

    Part of the props are created at Östgötateatern’s workshops.

    World premiere on September 7 2018, at Östgötateatern in Norrköping
    Epifónima is produced in collaboration with Östgötateatern and created both at the Cirkör House in Alby and in residency in Norrköping Aug/Sep 2018.