We bring contemporary circus into the future
Head of Arts & Production
We are looking for an experienced producer in performing arts who wants to lead and develop Cirkus Cirkör's productions, events and tours.
Caen X2
French Caen are lucky! We have two runs planned: one for Tipping Point, and one for Aquanauts.
Cirkör to tour Japan
We know it sounds wild, but as of November 2024, we will be the first contemporary circus company to tour Japan.
Follow Cirkör
Stop dreaming, start cartwheeling!
Whether you are 5 or 95, have a bendy body, a fear of heights or are already accustomed to spinning around your own shoulder, you can practice circus!
The Upper Secondary School for Circus
Train your body and your intellect at the same time during your three years at "Cirkusgymnasiet". The combination of theory, artistic work and training fit those who dream of a future as an international circus artist, and those who have other dreams but want to train and work artistically during their school years.
Tipping Point – Balancing in a Time of Change
Cirkus Cirkör explores the limits of the balancing act in an innovative circus gem that makes time stand still.
GöteborgspostenWe meet five circus artists and a musician in a raw world built of trusses, metal pipes and wires. Through acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, hair hanging and contortionism, they move with, against and despite the structures. What does it take to keep the balance when what seems stable can suddenly collapse?
Full house
Northern Europe's largest circus hall
International artists, children and students train under the same roof in our our top-equipped circus hall.
Chill with Cirkör
Three Sundays each term, we open up our training hall for those who want to try training circus, practice parkour, hang out in our chillout corners, watch others train, have coffee or just step by to say hello.
Cirkör Crashes the Conference
Book Circus Artists to Your Event
Sophisticated somersaults or PG-18 pyrotechnics? We have been responsible for the entertainment at both large and small events since the 90s. We have both ready-made concepts ready to be booked, and the creativity to create something completely new.
Teambuilding in Northern Europe's Largest Circus Halls
Do you need to laugh together? Spend a whole or half a day in the circus hall together with our experienced circus educators. You can expect to leave the workshop with new insights, fun memories – and maybe a new party trick up your sleeve.
Social Circus
At Cirkör, as with circus companies worldwide, there's a strong tradition of using circus training to strengthen individuals and work for positive societal change. The term Social Circus describes circus as a social hub, a place for people to meet, an educational tool and a social actor.